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We open here a Condolences Book for Bence's Family.

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Message sent: Monday, August 26, 2002 10:18:40 PM
name : Judit Wolf
email :
city : Mt. Clemens, Michigan USA

message : 
I received the news of Bence Frischman's death with great sorrow. My late husband, Ervin Wolf was an old friend and colleague of Bence and Ibi. Every time we visited in Israel, we got together to reminisce about Gyor and about all their mutual friends.
3 years ago on my last trip to Israel we got together and he was relatively well. I hoped it will continue for a long time. Please forward my message of deepest sympathy to his family.
Judit Wolf
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Megjelent a "Het Tukre" -ben       23.Aug.02






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The last picture from Bence from 11.Aug. 2002.  He died on the 13.Aug.2002.



 A  kepek Avram Livnat   (Noldi) gyujtemenyebol.                     

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Megjelent az "UJ KELET"- ben  23.Aug 02    

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Message sent: Monday, August 26, 2002 2:06:20 AM
name : Dr. Frederick A. Bettelheim
email :
city : Rockville, MD 20852

Message : 
The following message was sent to Dr. Udi Frischman's e-mail address: To the entire Frischman Family! 
We would like to extend our deepest sympathy. Bence was a dear, dear friend. We went back some 70 years, on and off, in close quarters whether in Gyor or in Rehovoth, or through correspondences. As a matter of fact, I have received his last message only 5 days before his untimely death, talking about the summer heat, the family vacation in Eilat and his plans to go to Hungary, to Sopron for an extended vacation. So the terrible news came as a great shock. We shared not only common background and common aspirations, but much much more. The most outstanding feature of Bence was his intellectual capacity, to comprehend everything in the clearest terms, be that science , literature or philosophy, and to comment on these in most original thoughts. This sharpness of mind was his greatest gift, to you, to his family, of whom he was so proud and constantly talked about, and to us his friends with whom he shared his ideas.From the very early days of our frustrating existence in the early 1940-s, not being able to attend a University, we founded in Gyor, a "Brain Trust" whose sole function was to keep our spirit and aspirations high, with intellectual arguments, discussions. Bence was a shining light then and ever after. I was greatly pleased and surprised to find on my last visit to Israel that Bence, in his retirement years, founded a similar "Brain Trust" with whom he met every other months. We in his generation are at the end of our life-lines. The only consolation is to know that Bence lived a full life, struggles followed by high achievements. The organization and the meeting of the survivors from Gyor was one of his crowning achievement. We are so grateful to have had such a spiritual companion. He basked in your and in our love and appreciations. Please, accept our condolances. We share your grief deeply. 
              Vera and Frici Bettelheim

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Message sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2002 6:30:06 PM
name : Csillag Jancsi
email :
city : Bramham, UK

message :

 Kedves Jozsi, Rajtad keresztul szeretném a Frischmann Családnak részvétemet kuldeni.
 Személyesen ugyan tiz éve találkoztunk utoljára, de levélben gyakrabban.
Nemcsak családjának, de a gyori "család"nak is ez egy nagy vesztesege.
Our toughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time.
May he rest in peace.


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Spiegel Marianna,  Győr,Hungary           19. aug. 02

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Draga Jozsi, most olvastam a szomorú hírt.

En nem ismertem szemelyesen Bencet, de sokat hallottam rola Toled  es Szuleimtol . Nagy veszteseg erte elsosorban a csaladot, masodsorban a gyori csoportot.
Kerlek tolmacsold reszvetunket a csaladnak.
Marinka es Pisti

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Shamir Shlomo (Mészáros Józsi)   Israel         16. aug. 02
Készültem e sorokat a temetésen felolvasni, de a nagy hőség és az elérzékültség megakadályoztak, tehát itt,  ez alkalommal  teszem kőzzé:

Bence Barátom, Bence Testvérem !
Hogy is hivjalak, mikor mindez voltál és még több is !  Nevelkedtünk együtt, a győri zsidó, vallásos és ugyanakkor cionista légkörben. Te visszatérve a Shoá-ból, én a háboruból találkoztunk itt az országban és ettől a pillanattól kezdve Bence a vezető, az utmutató jelentél  meg mi győriek számára.
Veled együttmüködni élvezet volt és mindég megértettelek, akkor is ha elgondolásunk nem is volt teljesen azonos. Mindég kerested a közép utat, a megértest és ezt nagy részt sikerrel is.
Volt Benned valami csodálatos erő, tulajdonság befojásolni és csökkenteni feltünő nézeteltéréseket. Igazság, bizalom,és főleg a szembenálló fél tisztelete és megbecsülése vita esetében.
Ez voltál Bence és mindez ami Téged külnböztetett másoktól és vezetőnkké, utmutatónkévá  tett.

A bucsuzás perce érkezett és nehéz ezt elfogadnom, nehéz magamat ebbe az uj helyzetbe beleélni, mert Benned hozzászoktunk  a legjobbhoz.
Bence egyet igérhetek Neked, hogy emlékedet mint a legdrágább kincset megőrzöm, mint ahogy Te azt jóságoddal, tevékenységeddel életedben kiérdemelted.

Őrök nyugalom és béke emlékedre ! 

Bence my Comrade, my  Friend, my  Brother !  
 How to call you?   You were all, but even more. 
We have grown together, we absorbed  togethher both Jewish and Zionist atmosphere. 
After the Shoa  we met again, and Your healthy loyal imprint effected the life of the survivals here in
Israel and in the Diaspora  world-wide. 
You always understood my attitude, without agreeing with me in all.
You tried to find the golden path among different opinions, and I have understood you, especially  your way of thinking. You were the unifying power of the community, looking for agreeable solutions and  you where  so else from others and   that's what did you be our leader.
Your personality had a magic strength, influencing us, looking and finding  always the right way.
Justice, integrity and honor were the cornerstones of your way, remaining always logic.

Dear Bence, it is hard to say farewell, how we continue without you our dear Friend ?
I promises you  we shall do the best  and we shall preserve and honor your memory forever according to your wide-spreading merit.

Rest in peace my Brother !                     

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Avigdor Bar Hai,  (Lőwinger Gyuri)  Israel        15.aug.02

In the yearly memorial service we listen more  names of passing aways.
Each name represents a loss of a dear member of our community, a survival of the Shoah.
Everybody is dear to us, but with the passing away of Bence we have lost a lieder and a  very  dear friend.
I new Bence and his family in Gyor . I learned with his brother Gyuszi in the elementary school, we used to by “kosher for Pesach” foodstuff from Frischman grocery. The relationship between our families was almost familiar. My feeling is that I lost somebody of my relatives.
We have lost one of the cornerstones of our small community, and we lament and grief.

Our condolences to his Family.
Your memory be blessed.

Avigdor and Dinah Bar-Hai.
Former: Lőwinger Gyuri

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Gergely Pista (Steven),  Canada      15.aug.02

shlosa. Kerlek tovabbitsad a reszvetelunket huganak es a csalad tobbi
tagjanak.Mi a Bisinger setany 12 ben laktung az apjanak meg 18 szam alat
volt uzlete.Bela 1920 ban szuletet       Vertes Pistaval volt egy idos en
1924 es vagyok Bence az hiszem  1922 es. Mi baja volt, hogy ilyen hirtelen
                                            Udvozlettel Pista.

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Frank More   ( Moskoczi Feri ),  U.S.A.         15.aug.02

Kedves Jozsi, par perce kaptam a szomoru hirt Bence halalarol  Fricitol. Bence jo ember volt,  az Isten engedte, hogy szenvedes nelkul hagyjon el bennunket. Legy szives tolmacsold  szimpatiankat csaladjanak, mi nem ismerjuk oket.
Barati udvozlettel Feri.

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Irene and  Stephen Schmideg, Melbourne         15.aug.02

Dear Shlomo 
It is always sad to hear such news. Unfortunately I have had only brief contact with Bence, but he seemed like a very nice and sincere man. I sure he is a significant loss to you and to the Gyor community. If you are in touch with his family please extend to them our sympathies.
                                                                              Regards Bela

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Prof. Bettelheim Frederick,  U.S.A.     15.aug.02

Kedves Jozsi: Ez tenyleg megdobbento, szornyu hir. Csak ot napja kaptam Tole egy e-mailt, tervekkel Sopronba menni es csak a hoseg miatt panaszkodott. Tudtam regen hogy a szivevel baj volt, azert nem jott ide latogatoba, de mind ennek ellenere varatlanul ert ez nagy csapas, mindannyiunknak, baratainak es a gyori organizacionak. Koszonom, hogy ilyen gyorsan kozolted a hirt. Ha tudnad a fianak e-mailjet, vagy cimet, legy szives ird meg, hogy kondolacionkat el kuldhessuk. Olel Frici

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