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La fenetre de  Jan Theuninck 

The window of   Jan Theuninck

  Bio :                ORC(°1954)   is born in Belgium in 1954 where he lives and works as painter and poet ;

                                  autodidact, he is an abstract artist, active in different substyles ;

                                 most of his works and poetry are based on his social and political convictions ;

  Slogan:           "  considered as a lone crusader , he's building alliances for a new society "


juif errant , juif maudit

         et nul mot sur eux est interdit

             traités de crimes et de trahisons

ils ont été mis en prison


on les a torturés et tués

  au nom d'une infâme idée

        et maintenant plus que jamais

    a qui le tour s'il vous plaît ?



I am a native speaker in  Dutch , I do write mostly in French but my English is what it is (Jan Theuninck- english) (sic)



         Translation in "jan theuninck"-english ::


wandering jew,damned jew

and no words on them are forbidden

suspected of crimes and treason

they have been put in jail


they have been tortured and murdered

in the name of an insane idea

and now   - more than ever -

who is next,  please ?


Stalag  Zehn B .jpg (79810 bytes)

("stalag X B" was a camp in Sandbostel in northern germany where my father has been a "customer" during the war).  

                                                                         "Stalag Zehn B"                                                                                         


the feldwebel became a general

the campdoctor, a professor

and we the jews - it's banal -

we stayed jewish - no error.


Der Feldwebel ist General geworden,

Der Arzt des Lagers, Professor,

und wir , die Juden - es ist banal -

wir sind jüdisch geblieben - keinen Zweifel !



Shalom Shlomo,

It's still a  time ago you  heard from me ,
now I send you some HUNGARIAN translations of a few poems I wrote
and you may (if you want) put on your website, it has been translated by
György NOVAK from the University of Szeged

Jan Theuninck

From: "Novak Gyorgy" <>
To: "Theuninck Jan" <>
Sent: Sunday, October 13, 2002 9:33 AM
Subject: Re: poeti tradotti : stalag zehn b and shoa are dedicated to Raoul

 Dear Jan,
 thanks for the poems, I will certainly use them in my classes.
 In the meantime, you can add these Hungarian translations to your website.
 Novák, György

 Stalag Zehn B

 a káplárból tábornok lett,
 a lágerorvosból professzor,
 mi zsidók pedig -- milyen banális --
 zsidók maradtunk -- úgy bizony.


 kóbor zsidó, átkozott zsidó
 nincs rájuk tiltott szó
 bûntettek, árulás vádjával
 börtönbe zárták õket

 kínozták és gyilkolták õket
 egy eszetlen eszme nevében
 most pedig -- most leginkább  --
 kérik a következõt.


 késõ éjszaka
 lepi a völgyet.
 mint sötét erõ.
 a mezõkön
 a fû alatt
 barna föld.


 amikor elmentetek
 a frontra
 élõ hõsök
 most pedig
 ott vagytok a
 ahol csak
 a pipacs


 Az igaz háború utáni hatalom
 még mindig az egyik "Übermensch"
 és ezt a "demokráciát" megvalósítani
 csak az "Untermenschen" hátán lehet!

 György Novák, PhD, Associate Professor
 Department of American Studies
 Institute of English and American Studies
 University of Szeged
 SZEGED, Egyetem u. 2, H-6722
 Tel:  Fax:

Jan Theuninck