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Jakabovits Dezso, Community Committee member reports from Gyor on the 9 Dec. 99.   ( Translated by Stephen Schmideg )

In the last few years a number of the members of Gyor’s small Jewish Community have passed away and despite
the retirement of Rabbi Vertes the ongoing existence of the congregation is guaranteed.   On Friday nights
about 10 people gather for prayers and on holidays the group increases to 20-25 individuals.

The community is proud to report that of all the Jewish cemeteries in Hungary the one in Gyor is probably the
best maintained.  There are 5,000 graves spread over 20 hectares, with all plots accurately documented, so
visitors have no problems finding the graves they are seeking.

Such a large cemetery is a significant burden for the small community, as very few of those living abroard
contribute to the upkeep of family graves.  The annual maintenance cost for the cemetery is over 1 million
Forint ($US.4,000 ).

This year the reconstruction of the mortuary was completed.  The building was totally rebuilt, retaining the
frescos on the ceiling and on the walls  that are contained in there.  This project cost the community a considerable sum of money, which was
partly aided by donations for this worthwhile cause.

During the coming year the cemetery’s symbol, the mausoleum will also need to be rebuilt.  It was constructed
52 years ago to commemorate the Martyrs of the Holocaust.  Unfortunately it was technically poorly constructed
and today it is in a life threatening condition.

We are asking our brothers and sisters  who are living abroad to contribute according to their means to the
reconstruction of the mortuary and mausoleum.  We would also welcome contributions for the restoration and
maintenance of specific grave sites.

Instead of a cheque we would prefer if the money was transferred directly to our bank account
11737007-20528814,  OTP Bank Gyor, care of the Gyori Zsido Hitkozseg  (The Gyor Jewish Community).

Our address is:

Gyori Zsido Hitkozseg
9024 Gyor
Kossuth Lajos u.5

Tel: 36-96-329-032

We thank all our friends in anticipation of their generosity and we promise to provide acknowledgements and
regular updates on this website.

For any further information please contact:

Dezso Jakabovits
Community Committee member

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