I am looking for any information about my relatives from Gyor .

WEISZ JENO  was born in 1900 ( not sure )
WEISZ ELLA  -  her parents KOPELL DAVID and ROSA
AUSTRIA was born in 9.1.1900

They had 3 children . One was EDIT, she was born in 1929 ( not sure ) and the other two , which I don’t know the names.      They were orthodox family. 
They owned a shoe store.

My uncle Mr. Weisz was taken from the train on the way from Gyor to Budapest or in Budapest . Since then he was not seen.

My aunt ELLA WEISZ  was taken from Gyor to the getto, and then we guess to Auschwitz .  

I will thank you for any information about them.

Thank you,  

Pollak Mordechai
3 Yakovzon St .
Rishon Lezion 75730

Tel. 03-9646595



To the Gyor Web Site:
    I am interested in finding out what happened to my mother's relatives from Gyor, Hungary. My mother
(formerly Gladys Pollak of the United States) had an uncle David Pollak who was a tailor.
   His wife was named Reza. They had five daughters. One daughter I think was named Erzsi, and another Ilona or Ilonka.
My mother visited them in the 1920s, and Erzsi might have been in her twenties then. David wrote his
sister-in-law Ida Pollak. The addresses(?) I have in Gyor are :
    Kezmu es kendoaru Nagykereskedese and Fodlikunyas m.11
                 Thank-you for any information.
                       Alice Elizabeth Rogoff


Dear Sir:
  I would like to add if possible, that my mother thinks her youngest cousin was named Wallie  (Pollak) and that she might have married an Englishman. She would have been 15 in the 1920s. Thank-you for your assistance.
                           Alice E. Rogoff          Nov.25.2004


Tisztelt Szerkesztõ r!

Elõszצr is gratulבlok a munkבhoz, melyet vיgeznek. Csodבlatos a weblap, minden szempontbףl.
A mבsik amiיrt םrok, hogy segםtsיget kיrjek יn is ezen honlap בltal. A csalבdom gyõri בga utבn kutatok.
Reichenfeld Mףr(nיhבny iraton Mףriczkיnt feltntetve) az kapבm volt. Ravazdon szletett, Gyõrszentmבrtonban  (ma Pannonhalma) יlt.Elsõ felesיge Schlesinger Szerיna(Szl. Teleki) volt. Hבrom gyermekk szletett; Reichenfeld Erzsיbet(fיrje: Pollבk), Ilona(fיrje: Weltner) יs Lajos8felesיge: Rosenberg). Schlesinger Szerיna 1893-ban meghalt., Mףr pedig תjranõslt.
Mבsodik felesיge Deutsch Ilona volt, akinek szintיn hבrom gyermeke lett. Reichenfeld Olga( fיrje: Springer), Kבroly יs Jבnos. A hבrom fiת Fצldesre magyarosםtotta a nevיt.
Bבrmilyen informבciף nagy segםtsיget jelentene nekem.
A csalבdban elõfordulף nevek: Reichenfeld, Fצldes, Deutsch, Pollבk (Kיsõbb Pintיr), Schlesinger, Weltner, Szצllõsi, Klimberger.

Nagyon kצszצnצk minden segםtsיget, illetve a lehetõset, amit ײnצk biztosםtanak e honlap בltal.
Tisztelettel: Fekete Virבg, Budapest

Ui: A mבrtםrok listבjבn tיvesen jelenik meg a dיdapבm Pollבk Lajos neve,
mivel Õ 1943-ban, betegsיgben hunyt el Budapesten.

(Received by Fekete Virag, Budapest  -  28.Sept.2004)

Tisztelt weblap szerkesztץ תr!
   Gyץri rokonsבgom okבn megelיgedיssel vettem tudomבsul az ײn בltal kצzzי tett mבrtםrok nיvsorבt.Ebben a nיvsorban felfedeztem nagybבtyבim יs unokatestvיreim kצzl nיhבnynak a nevיt, azonban vannak nיhבnyan, akik
a nיvsorban nem szerepelnek. Ezיrt kiegיszםtיsl szeretnיm felsorolni a hiבnyzף nevek et,amelyek kצzl egyeseknek nem emlיkszem az צsszes adatבra,
ezיrt kיrem, hogy honlapjבn tegye kצzzי a kצvetkezץkben felsoroltakat.
Abban remיnykedem, hogy םgy majd talבn sikerl informבciףhoz jutnom  sorsukat illetve
az adataikat illetץen.
Steiner Gizella,anyja neve:Spitzer Rףza,sz.:1870-es יvek vיge
Steiner Jakab,a.:Spitzer Rףza, sz.:?
Steiner Gיza,a.:Spitzer Rףza, sz.:1881.12.23.
(ױ az יdesapבm,ץt pesti lakoskיnt deportבltבk)
Steiner Dezsץnי,a.:Helliszter Anna sz.:?
Csillag Kבrolynי,a.:Spitzer Rףza lבnykori nיv:Steiner Irיn,sz:?
Csillag Kבroly, fenti szemיly fיrje:??
Fenti hבzaspבr kיt gyereke:??
Steiner Vica,a.:Frankl Erzsיbet,sz.:1928

Fentiekkel szemben Steiner Lבszlף (a.: Blau Jתlia,sz.:1906 04.15.)
tיvesen szerepel a mבrtםrok listבjבn, mert ץ orvoskיnt Franciaorszבgban יlt a deportבlבsok idejיn,יs ott hunyt el 1994-ben. A fia Etien Steiner, akinek tartףzkodבsi helyיt nem ismerem.

Az ײn בltal kצzzיtett nיvsorban helyesen szerepelnek a csalבd tצbbi tagjבnak nevei,ak
iket a teljessיg igיnyיvel ehelytt felsorolok:
Steiner Kבroly,a:Spitzer Rףza
Steiner Kבrolynי,sz.:Frankl Erzsיbet
Steiner Mבrta,a:Frankl Erzsיbet
Steiner Jakabnי,sz:Blau Jתlia
Steiner Istvבn,a:Blau Jתlia
Steiner Dezsץ,a:Spitzer Rףza
Steiner Dezsץ,a: Helleszider Anna
Steiner Klבra,a:Helleszider Anna
Steiner Hugףnי,a:Apfeld Gizella
Steiner Elemיr,a:Steiner Hugףnי

           Segםtsיgיt elץre is kצszצnצm,
                            Szםvיlyes dvצzlettel,
                                                                          Sףlyom Gבbor
                                     (Received from Solyom Gabor 18.09.2004)        


Is it possible to get some info on the names listed and pictured. I see a name which might be a relative of mine. But the picture of the tombstone dosen't show when he died and father's name etc.

The name is Samanavits (maybe Zalmanovits ?) , Jakob
Parc. A1 Row 4 Grave 1 Photo 82. Any info on this person would be greatly appreciated.
                                                                                                                                       Abe Moskovits

Lauren Manning (Fleischmann)

Thank you for this website. I AM LOOKING FOR ANYONE WITH INFORMATION ABOUT THE FOLLOWING NAMES: FLEISCHMANN, GYARFAS, HEGEDUS, WOLF, SCHLESINGER, SCHREIBER, BARCZA. My grandfather was Gyorgy Fleischmann, fought in WWI, emmigrated to USA in 1938. His father was Mihaly Fleischmann, mother was Leontina Schlesinger. Sisters were Ilona Gyarfas, Mariska Hegedus, Erzsebet Barcza, Stephani Wolf/Barcza and Janka Fleischmann/Kornfeld. I know Stefi Barcza was arrested by the SS with her husband Arnolde in 1944. I do not know what happened to them, but there is the possibility she died in hospital in Stutthof. Ilona Gyarfas was also deported but we do not know if she survived the transport. I am hoping to find anyone who knew the Fleischmann family. They were large grain dealers in Gyor. The Schlesinger family also had a Vinegar factory in Gyor. Please email me even if you only know the name at all. I am searching desperately and finding very few answers. Thank you.


Aussi je parle francais si ca serait plus facile. Je cherche les noms FLEISCHMANN, GYARFAS, HEGEDUS, BARCZA, WOLF, SCHLESINGER, SCHREIBER. Envoyez-moi de email si vous savez aucun d\'information a propos de aucune une de ces noms, s\'il vous plait. Je cherchais depuis longtemps mais je n\'avais pas beaucoup de succes. Merci beaucoup pour aucun information a propos de ma famille de Gyor.

Talan meg el valamelyik leszarmazottja a Papai Boehm, vagy a Loevinger (Lantos) csaladnak. Ha valaki tud roluk, kerem irjanak nekem. 
  Eloere is koeszoenoem.  Gaspar Gyula

Gergely Pista kיrיse Canadבbףl
Ausztrבliבban יlץ barבtainkhoz :

Nem tudom hogy a Te Gyori vebszeited Ausztraliaban is olvashato, de ha igen szeretnem ha kozze tudod tenni, nekem 2 elso unoka testverem ment ferjez ottan.Ok nekem  irtak es akartak, hogy menjek oda de mar akkor Canada volt meg, En meg el voltam foglalva egy parnoszet  csinalni es elvesztettem a cimuket.
Apjuk neve          ROSENFELD  KALMAN.   cipesz ,  Paparol   szamaztak.  O Pesten van eltemetve nem messze a noveretol  ARANKA  az en edesanyam  ki 32 ben halt meg.. A lanyok neve, a harmadikra nem emlekszem ,bar gyonyoru  lanyok voltak. Leanykori nevuk;
  ROSENFELD  JUCI.  es  MARTA.      
 Ha megtudnad keresni a kapcsolatot nagyon halas lennek.
                 Elore is megkoszonom          Barati  udvozlettel    Pista


This letter was received from Argentina and we ask our friends, visitors

Please :  Barkinek olvasoink kozul talan tulajdonaban van a  Miskolcban, Dozsa Gyorgy utcaban letezett Zsido Templomrol  megorzott kep kerem juttassa el hozzam e-mailen.  Koszonettel   "Z.F. "

FUCHS Mבrton (born 8 May 1925 in Sבndorfalva) was deported from Gyצr
to Auschwitz, probably on the first transport (11.6.1944). In August ’44
with Csillag Jancsi and 270 others) was taken to Bochum and became
slavelabourer (Hהftling 84022) on the heavy steel presses of the
Bochumer Verein. He survived, in July ’45 gave a statement of his ‘odyssey’
to DEGOB in Budapest (now Yad Vashem document 015/2158).
Does anyone know his later fate?  Is he alive?  Where ?
Both Csillag Jancsi /John Chillag and the Bochum university would like
to contact him.    Responses to  , please.

Gyצrbצl, valףszinuleg az elsצ transzporton(11.6.1944), FUCHS MֱRTON (sz. 1925 mבjus 8, Sבndorfalvבn) Auschwitzba kerult,יs onnan velem ( Csillag Jancsi / John Chillag )  egytt a bochumi BVG koncentrבciףs tבborba. Magyarorszבgra visszatיrve 1945.7.26 a DEGOB-nak adott בt egy jegyzצkצnyvet‘יlmיnyeirצl’.  Ez a Yad Vashemban van 015/2158 szבmon (de יn nem tudok errצl tצbbet).

ֹn szeretnיk vele kapcsolatba lיpni. ֹl-e mיg? ֹs hol? Vagy tudja valaki, mi lett a sorsa ?
Nemcsak יn, de a bochum-i egyetem szeretnי tudni.


Jan Alexander from London (England)    is interested in finding further information about her Gr.Father David Stein and other family members :

David Stein geb.23.7.1857 ( auch  24.7.1858 angegeben ) in Gyצr ( auch Raab
angegeben ) Privatier, mos., verh mit Rosa Stein geb. Steiner geb.15.9.1875.
Kinder Alfred geb, ca.1896 und Ida,

Stefan/Stephan Stein Wien, Landwirtschaftaflicher
Arbeiter, mos., ( Kind Ernestine geb.23.11.1930.) Last known address
Dr.Weigensiedlung 515  Essling  Wien. Eltern David and Rosalia Stein nee

*Ernestine Stein geb. Gottlieb, geb.13.4.1893 in Wien, Privat, mos., verh
 getraut 16.2.1930 ) mit Stephan Stein, 12.7.1901. gestorben. 15.12.1930.
Last  address 2., Gr.Schiffgasse 24/10 Wien

* Ernestine Stein nee Gottlieb was my grandfather's sister. I know she died
after giving birth to her daughter.*

Stefan/Stephan Stein heiratat am 15.3.1934  Helene Stein, geb.
Zungofvsky/Zungovsky  4.3..1894 in Wien, die am 1.4.1947 in Wien
gestorben ist. Apparently after this, Stefan left Vienna and moved to
Hungary, possibly to Budapest with his daughter.

It has taken me over a year to collect all this information. My parents
Josef Bergmann and Erna Gottlieb left Vienna in 1938/9 and came to England.
They died when I was  young, and I don't know what happened to their papers.
My grandfather Siegfried Gottlieb had a brother Michael and a sister
*Ernestine. Their parents were Moses Gottlieb and Hinde nee Schstermann. I
believe that Moses was from Tarnow Poland.

Family names in alphabetical order are BERGMANN,  BUXBAUM,  GOTTLIEB,    KORSUNSKY, 

Albert Ivבn:

dvצzlצk mindenkit!

  Nagymamבm leבnykori neve Glcksmann Erzsיbet volt.Csalבdjבnak nagy rיsze meghalt a                                     Holocaust idejיn.     Az interneten keresgיlve talבltam rב erre a honlapra. Tצbb Glcksmann nיv                                     is   szerepel itt.    Kיrek mindenkit aki ismert, vagy tud valmit egykori Glcksmannokrףl az םrjon                                        nekem vagy az e-mail cםmemre, vgy a pףstacםmemre.

                                       Albert Ivבn,       -     6500,Baja, Bokodi תt 56/a

Susan Justicz :

" I am interested in tracing any surviving family of my husband's father  -  Alexander Justicz ".


I was able to find out that there is somebody at the Gyצr Cementery who must have some family relation with me. The name is Jakab Mocsבnyi and my Mocsבnyi family is originally from Gyצr. My grampa's name was Karoly Mocsבnyi, born in Gyצr in 1867 (the original family's name was Schlesinger - it is long story which I know bu tdo not want to write all now). He moved to
Budapest, where he got married and died in 1920.

My father, his son, arrived in Brazil in 1941 and I am really curious about learning more about my family's past.

Can you help me?

Lתcio Pedro Mocsבnyi
Director / CKO
Knowledge Management, Marketing & Communications
KPMG Auditores Independentes
Phone: (55-11) 3067.3145
Fax: (55-11) 3067.3752
Email: ( <>)

I'm a journalist of "Gazeta Pomorska" (North of Poland). Now I'm
write the story about hungarian Jews-prisoners near by Torun (Thorn)
searching the informations and contacts with Jews whose survived
camps in Malki, Cieszyny, Brodnica (Strassburg WPr).That were sub-
camps of Stutthof May you can help me?

Adam Willma,

         My name is:   Paul Yanai,      U.S.A.                                                                              12. Aug. 2001

My name is Paul Yanai.  I'm from Ohio, U.S.A.   I always knew my ancestors was from Hungary but until recently found out they were Jewish.  I can't believe I finally found another family with my last name!  Hopefully, you can help me answer a lot of questions about my heritage.

My grandfather's name was Wendell J. Yanai  and Rosalie was my grandmother's name.  I don't know her maiden name.  I was told that their parents possibly came from Veszprem area of Hungary.  My mother's maiden name was Takas(?)  not sure of proper spelling.  Apparently, her family and the Yanai's lived close to each other in Hungary.  I'm not sure what year they arrived in America.  I'm told that my mother's aunt or great aunt was killed at Auschwitz and  two brothers went back to visit family in Hungary from America and died in concentration camps also.

Perhaps you are my relatives!  As I said I have never know anyone else with my last name so I'm so happy. 

Please email me at   

In the meantime, I will try to find out more names for you.

Thank you!  Paul S. Yanai

S. Shamir answers :                                                                          13. Aug. 2001

Dear Mr. Paul Yanai,

I received your letter and of course forwarded at once to Magda and Itzhak Yanai in Tivon (near Haifa), e-mail address:

Please write me more about you and we shall try to find out the most we can about your heritage.

Best regards

Shlomo  (Shamir)

My name is:  Gaby Neuburger,  U.S.A.                                                         24.May 2001

                          Looking for members of the Graf and Sonnenfeld families  (GYײR).

                                                                                                    Gaby Neuburger

My name is:   Ruth Zitron                                                                          16.May 2001
                   Santa Barbara, Calif.
Ruth Zitron                                                                          16.May 2001
                   Santa Barbara, Calif.

I am interested in Mathias Fritz of Gyor, Hungary, born March 9, 1889. 
Mother, Rosa and father Julius.  He was a barber and was last seen in 1939 by
daughter Blanka and wife Frieda.

I am also interested in any information about Zitron family from Tarnapol or
Skalat, Ukraine.  Especially Sigmund and Rachel Zitron, father and
step-mother of Leo Zitron of California and Sabina Bauer of  Vienna.  (both
deceased).  Sigmund was born in approximately 1884.  Wife was Ida.  Do not
know Hebrew names.  ANY INFORMATION WOULD BE APPRECIATED.  I believe he
perished in pogrom of 1941.

My father, Leo Zitron, has relatives in Israel - however, do not know where. 
They are cousins who immigrated to Israel.  In Israel are living today  141 families named Zitron, so my ask is to find among them my relatives.

My e-mail address is:   RZITRON@CS.COM.

City, Country : SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA
Related to Gyor by : NO
email :


(  To see a larger image click here. )

LEVELEZO-1s.jpg (7973 bytes)                         LEVELEZO-2s.jpg (10970 bytes) 

       My name is Margalit (Mocsari) Modai and I'am looking for any descendents or relatives of my grandfather Mocsari Miksa, b. August 9, 1871 in Gyor to his  parents: Zsofia Neumann and Emanuel Mocsari.

The name Mocsari was Schlesinger before 1846.

My grandmother Pessje Fradis was my g.father's second wife and he had children with his first wife.

My g.father had a brother named Imre, much younger than him. Imre survived  the war with his daughter Manci who had a son , a pediatrician. He had two boys aproximately my age(40).(born in the sixties)

Margalit (Mocsari) Modai


I am a Danish woman with the lastname Meister. My great-grandfather's name was the Hungarian name Meiszter - but he left out the "z" when he moved from Hungary to Denmark in early 1900.

Now, I am trying to find out more about the name Meiszter and the family. I found a lot of "Meiszter" names at this site and I hope you can help me, since I cannot understand the website.

What do you know about the name Meiszter ?
Why does it seem like there are many Jewish families by the name Meiszter ?
And do you know any (English) web sites where I can get more information about the name and the family ?

Thank you very much for your help.


Ali Meister

Any kind of information welcomed to :  ,  or

Jos Roger Glasser   (Brasil)  is looking for relatives of Leopold  Glaser  from Gyor.

Any kind of information welcomed to :  ,  or

My fathers name is Imre Beck.
My father was born on January 5, 1905.
He survived the WW2 and came with his wife Jolan ( Hirsch) to Norway and their two sons Peter and myself.

I am looking for survivors in his family. I dont know of anyone sofar.
email address :

We would like to hear from anyone who has any information about the Auschwitz-Stutthof Transport, 1944 September 27.   Please send a message to

Gabor Hirsch is interested in locating or finding further information about a boy he was with at Birkenau.

From:  Gabor Hirsch

To   :

           25.October 2000

We would like to hear from anyone who has any information about the 
Auschwitz-Stutthof Transport, 1944 September 27.   Please send a message to, or to
Lf.Nr. Seite Name Vorname Geborene Geb.dat. Reg.Nr. Geb.Ort Letzte Adr. Verstorben Bemerkung
3821 141 Hauser Ida 05.05.10 91632 Gyצr Gyצr 21.12.44 1988
3822 141 Hauser Magdolna 05.11.14 91633 Gyצr Gyצr
3862 141 K?roly Julia 22.02.25 91673 Gyצr Gyצr 21.11.44 Stb.  761
3863 141 Karoby Erzsיbet Andorka 21.09.00 91674 Gyצr Gyצr 20.12.44 1909
3875 141 Kohn Blanka 06.09.09 91686 Gyצr Gyצr
3876 141 Kohn Josefa 09.03.08 91687 Gyצr Gyצr
4112 145 Perenyi Margit Kצnig 26.11.99 91923 Gyצr Szombathely 09.12.44 Stb  755
4359 149 Szigeti Edith 16.11.24 92170 Gyצr Gyצr
4361 149 Szabo Ilona Rosenberg 06.06.02 92172 Gyצr Gyצr 09.12.44 Stb  757
4475 151 Winter Kl?ra 26.04.25 92286 Gyצr Gyצr 01.01.45 3830
4476 151 Winter Margit 27.09.98 92287 Gyצr Gyצr
3924 142 Kertיsz Hilda Schimmel 26.06.10 91735 Bruck Gyצr
3947 142 Krausz Jozsa Billitz 12.04.05 91758 Ugod Gyצr ?
4060 144 Meller Marianna Klein 28.12.05 91871 Esztergom Gyצr 01.10.44
4091 145 Paranyi Erzsיbet 24.08.03 91902 Kapuv?r Gyצr 182
4105 145 Perl Irma Braun 16.02.06 91916 Alsomj?rasd Gyצr 28.12.44 3057

I believe I supplied a list of the women from Auschwitz to Stutthof on 27. September 1944, I am attaching again to be on the safe side. My mother was with this transport, as I found out in 1998, I got the transport list of this 4509 including 1949 Hungarian women, During a visit in Stutthof 1999 I completed it with maiden name, birth place, last residence and date of death. From about 2/3 of the list the later info was not available or lost. If you have additional information, I would very much appreciate it. There is a book "Nevek" (Names) of Hungarian Jewish Women in the Stutthof Concentration Camp, written by Gavriel Bar Shaked and published in Yad Vashem.


Gabor Hirsch is interested in locating or finding further information about a boy 
he was with at Birkenau.

Two the second one, it is correct, I believe I was with a young boy about my age (around 15 years), together in Birkenau, I guess it was sometimes after October and may be also in the dates before the evacuation/liberation of the camp. If h was tattooed around December his number could be around B-147xx. I met him after returning to Hungary may be in 1946/47 in the "Angol-Park", we exchanged a few words, so as I remember both of us continued our schooling in the gymnasium. I know that this is very undefined, but I think, that there are quite few boys, returning from Birkenau and in Gymnasium, so I still hope.

Best regards
Gabor Hirsch
